



Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How to Use Email Marketing Templates

Email marketing has become a critical component of online business. Every site, from travel blogs to large online retailers use email marketing. Using an email marketing template in the creation of the newsletter can save huge amounts of time and help even small companies maintain a professional image.

What is an Email Template?

The beauty of using an email marketing template is that you don’t really need to worry to much about it. Simply choose an appearance that you like and thats it. Learn more aboutemail templates.
In most cases, an email marketing template will require that you simply “fill in the blanks” so to speak. There are set fields that will need to be filled in with text or an appropriate logo uploaded. There are usually fields to enter a greeting, a main message and a conclusion. A well made template should not require that you know html or other forms of coding. Everything, including creating hyperlinks, should be automated.

Where to Find Email Marketing Templates

There are numerous places online to find templates for your email marketing. Or you can design one yourself, if you have some technical abilities. Adobe Dreamweaver has the ability to create very specific designs, if you don’t mind spending the time to create and tweak it. Learn more about: Where to find email marketing templates.
As you prepare your campaign, it good to remember why you are doing this. Your online business needs email marketing.

Editing Tips for Email Marketing Templates

Beware of Copy/Pasted Text: When pasting text into a template, be sure that is isn’t already formatted. If you are just typing the text in, you don’t need to worry about it. But if you are going to take a paragraph of text from your web site, or even from an email you need to be careful. The formatting that has already been applied can skew the formatting inside of the template. Quick fix: paste the block of text into your email program and choose “Plain Text” or the equivalent option for non-html formatting. Then copy the new text and paste this into your newsletter. This simple step removes any html formatting in the text and ensures that it will look correct inside of your newsletter.
Don’t Copy/Paste Images and Logos: While the great copy and paste function works well inside of word processors, it doesn’t work inside of email marketing templates. A pasted image may render incorrectly or maybe not at all. Either upload the image to your email marketing providers site, or to your own site. Never take an image url from a third party web site - or you risk having a missing/skewed image in your newsletter. The owner of the other site could either delete the image or update it - to either a larger/smaller format or even something completely different than you want. Aside from technical concerns, there are likely legal/copyright issues of embedding images from sites other than your own. Avoid lots of problems and just don’t do it.
Have you chosen your email marketing provider yet? Check out this set of email marketing tips.

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