Read the Contribute CS5 Profile and Review.
If you’re just starting up with Adobe Contribute CS5 (Visit Adobes site), likely the first thing you’ll want to do is connect your blog to Contribute. And unless your blog is directly hosted with Blogger, WordPress or TypePad, it will fail.
And just to clarify, the expression “hosted with” means “on their server”. If you use a WordPress install, on your own domain (or anywhere except you won’t connect without this adjustment.
You need to tell your blog that it’s okay to be remotely updated – by Contribute CS5 in this case. Here’s what you need to do:
Adjust your WordPress Blog Settings
You need to give WordPress permission to allow Contribute to update remotely.
- Log into your Wordpress installation.
- In the left sidebar, scroll down to the Settings tab.
- Inside of the Settings tab click Writing
- Now scroll down to Remote Publishing
- Check the box that reads: XML-RPC (Enable the WordPress, Movable Type, MetaWeblog and Blogger XML-RPC publishing protocols)
- Finally, Save changes
Now, we will open Adobe Contribute.
Adjust the Adobe Contribute Settings
- To connect to your blog, visit either:
- In the top toolbar, Edit > My Connection. When the My Connections window pops up, click on “Create”.
- Choose Create New: Blog Connection from the startup screen.
- In the Create Connection screen, ensure that “Blogs” is selected. And in response to the question: Who hosts your blog? Choose: Other Blog Servers and click Next. Don’t fill in your URL on the first screen.
- Now you need to enter your “Blog Server Username” and “Password”. This is actually not your hosting package username/password, but the username/password for this blog.
- The final piece of information is your “Access Point”. This is the address where Contribute will go to log into your blog. Its quite simple – take your url – the main page of your blog and add “/xmlrpc.php” after it. This is the access point. For example:
- Now click “Done”. You should now be logging into to your blog through Contribute.
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